Building on our efforts to send a message to EPA, the design industry must also stand up for vital programs at the Department of Energy. Architects rely on DOE programs, resources, and research to do their jobs effectively. We need to educate key officials about the value of the programs they are now tasked with managing.

Once again, we must make a business case for retaining DOE programs that enable architects to design high performing buildings. Building Technologies Office research and programming, code development and energy modelling support, and Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) data are just a few of the tools and resources that help designers meet the performance standards clients demand. Decisions about the futures of these vital programs will be made over the months ahead. Now is the time to make your voice heard. Please sign this letter on behalf of your firm, or bring it to the attention of a firm leader.

To view the text of the letter, please click here.

Question Title

* 1. BY ENTERING THE INFORMATION BELOW, YOU ARE INDICATING YOU HAVE THE AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF YOUR FIRM. Please enter the address below for the office location of your firm.

Question Title

* 2. Do you have offices in additional states than listed above?